The second group consisted of several people who were interested in but had not necessarily read the book beforehand. Again, they were inquisitive about the book's origins and the were quick to apply the elements of the model directly to their own leadership.
Both groups were energized, challenged and encouraged by their application of the model. During the conversation there were several comments that energized me because these were the first people to review the book in my presence since its release. Here is a paraphrase of what they said:
- The book was more personal than other leadership books they had read.
- The chapters on faith and love were favorites and different than other leadership books
- Our discussions just touched the "tip of the iceberg" of leadership
Our goal with this model is for it to reach 100,000 people in 1 year and yesterday represented 14 more people connected to the Character of Leadership; the tip of the iceberg.
As one of the folks who was able to attend your session - thanks. What I enjoyed about the discussion is how it opened a deeper part - call it a spiritual part - to leadership. And it was in no way religious. It allowed people to reflect on the core and what they care about. From this core, they can act.