Sunday, September 20, 2009

Leadership At Every Level of Healthcare Reform

Last week I worked with two of our health care clients. Work in this industry segment is always interesting but even more so now in the current climate of debate over health care reform. I was struck by the complexity of our health care system and regardless of any political leanings; reform of this system will be painful and tedious.

It occurred to me after listening to the experts, that the ability of any individual or organization (public or private) to write rules that cover every eventuality in the provision of health care, is impossible. Consequently, leadership will be required at every level of the health care system in order for any change to work. Leaders throughout the system must be empowered to lead their respective areas, solve problems and make decisions based principles not based on rules.

When I teach leadership I always begin with concepts and principles even though most students want step by step detail and a list of specific leadership behaviors. I start with principles and concepts because it is impossible to provide steps for every leadership situation. However if a leader has a conceptual framework to draw on, they can handle virtually any situation even in the absence of detailed instructions. This conceptual approach however requires the articulation of the principles so leaders can act and there in lies the challenge for health care reform.

Will the reformers craft the principles upon which they want reform to take place and then equip the leaders to make the changes those principles dictate? Or alternatively, will the reformers penchant for control devolve health care changes to an endless itemization of dos and don'ts that boggle the mind and cripple the system? Stay tuned.


  1. Leadership will be key in any reform effort for the health care industry. Reform or change will need to be managed at all levels in each organization in the industry. Even with strong leadership and a clear plan however, the solution to what is now perceived as a flawed industry is going to need to go deeper than new rules and reorgs. As long as health care is a for profit industry and health care companies are focused on shareholder value, the challenge to provide affordable health care to all is all but impossible. The only effective way to reduce the cost of health care is to lower the demand.

    Reform in health care must start at the individual level. Exercise, healthy eating, active lifestyles are at the core of the solution. We the people can reduce the need for some health care by a commitment to some critical lifestyle changes. This makes the issue one of health, not just health care. Only then will a solution and leadership of that solution even be plausible.

  2. Karl,

    You are so right about the personal leadership that will be necessary for this reform to be successful.
