Monday, March 15, 2010

Edinburgh Castle

Last week I was in Edinburgh Scotland working with a client. You should visit this marvelous city. It is full of rich history, vibrant youth and tremendous pubs.

While in Edinburgh there was an opportunity to visit Edinburgh Castle. The castle perches on a volcanic rock that shoots up from the surrounding plain. This rock and its castle have provided refuge for people since 800 BC.

Today the castle serves a symbolic role rather than one of defense. Nonetheless this symbol is a powerful, ancient model for a dynamic 21st century city.

The Character of Leadership model is the same ancient tool for today's 21st century leaders.

Check out Edinburgh and the Character of Leadership.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Doing Justice In Health Care Reform

Last week I had the opportunity to watch part of the Health Care Summit hosted by President Obama. I had high hopes for the outcome of the day but was very disappointed to see that no one in the room was willing to give up rhetoric for substance.

In my recent book The Character of Leadership: An Ancient Model for A Quantum Age I suggested that doing Justice as a leader was "doing the right thing even when it is difficult and costly." Health care reform is difficult and the changes probably should be incremental rather than the sweeping change now on the table. Regardless of the scope I am looking for leaders that will roll up their sleeves and begin negotiating reform even if it costs them the support of their party and their voters.

Ladies and gentlemen do justice to this important issue.